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Basic Assumptions
October 01 2020
I claim here that the goal for humanity should be to build generalizable prediction systems (Predictive Computing) which can forecast the future state of any measurable phenomena
This is rooted in a few assumptions:
- Humans can predict the state of the universe further into the future and more granularly than any other system - interestingly the ability to change the universe is related to predicting it
- The Human system is uniquely structured to do this (relatively) long term, (relatively) high granularity prediction
- Empirical sense experience is required to accurately make predictions
- Humans do not have the biological sensory capabilities to accurately sense the material universe outside of humans sense experience
- Humans can only sense some tiny fraction of the information universe as the amount of information humans can experience and make predictions on is too small
- Humans do not have the memory or representational capabilities to accurately model the material universe
- Humans augment their lack of inherent biological predictive capabilities with non-biological creation (engineering)
- There is no undesputed goal vector for human action
- Observations of human action indicate a few consistently held goal vectors:
- Maximizing Reproduction
- Desire for Intoxication
- Maximizing Predictability
- Unstructured Exploration
- Of these observed general action vectors, maximizing predicability is the only one that can amplify the others
Copyright (c) 2020 Andrew Kemendo