The Three-Loop Model of Intelligence: Mapping Sensory, Predictive, and Simulated Experience through Voltage-Based Measurement

1. Background & Rationale

The nature of human intelligence has long been studied through cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and artificial intelligence. Traditional models of cognition treat sensory input, memory, prediction, and imagination as distinct processes. However, this research proposes a unified model in which intelligence emerges from the interaction of three concurrent electrical loops within the brain-body system:

Understanding the voltage dynamics of these loops could provide a new framework for:

2. Research Objectives

Primary Objective

To empirically validate the three-loop model of cognition by measuring voltage propagation differences between externally driven, predictive, and purely internal cognitive states.

Secondary Objectives

3. Hypotheses & Predictions

H1: Voltage Differentiation Between Loops

H2: Predictive Loop Activation Prior to Sensory Confirmation

H3: Internally Simulated Experiences Mimic External Sensory Processing

H4: Individual Cognitive Manifold Structures Differ Across Subjects

4. Experimental Design

4.1 Participants

4.2 Experimental Conditions & Measurements

Each participant will undergo three conditions, with EEG, EMG, and skin conductance sensors measuring voltage propagation throughout.

Condition Targeted Loop Task Expected Neural Pattern
Sensory-Grounded (Loop 1) External input Observe real-world sensory stimuli (visual, auditory, tactile). High-voltage activation across sensory cortex & peripheral nervous system.
Predictive Forecasting (Loop 2) Future simulation Predict an event before it happens (e.g., catching a ball, anticipating a sound). Pre-motor activation preceding real sensory confirmation.
Internally Simulated (Loop 3) Self-generated input Recall past memories or imagine new scenarios. Activity in sensory areas, but at lower voltage with minimal peripheral involvement.

4.3 Measurement Techniques

EEG (Electroencephalography)

EMG (Electromyography)

Skin Conductance & Vagus Nerve Monitoring

Topological Data Analysis (TDA) & Manifold Learning

5. Expected Outcomes & Data Analysis

5.1 Data Collection & Processing

5.2 Statistical Analysis

5.3 Expected Results

Hypothesis Expected Result Significance
H1: Voltage Differentiation Loop 1 has the highest voltage; Loop 2 shows mid-range activation; Loop 3 shows low-voltage cascades. Confirms that simulated experiences have distinct electrical patterns.
H2: Predictive Pre-Motor Activation EEG/EMG show pre-motor spikes before real-world confirmation. Validates forecasting as a real-time decision-making mechanism.
H3: Internally Simulated Mirroring Loop 3 resembles Loop 1 but at lower voltage without peripheral activation. Shows that imagination uses sensory recall circuits but lacks real input.
H4: Individual Cognitive Manifolds Participants exhibit unique cognitive topologies based on loop dynamics. Suggests intelligence and neurodivergence are measurable as topological variance.

6. Broader Implications

Neuroscience & Cognitive Science

Artificial Intelligence & Robotics

Medicine & Clinical Applications

Example analysis: "Lying" reframed as Topological Manipulation

Manifold Forcing

Manifold Forcing Spectrum: From Ignorant to Malicious

Manifold Forcing and Power Dynamics

Equivalent Outcomes of Topological Misdirection

Ethics of Manifold Interference

Manifold Forcing as Cognitive Warfare & Propaganda

Automated Information Filtering as Manifold Forcing

Cognition as a Multi-Agent Battlefield of Manifold Control

Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Kemendo